
DeltaViewer 2.1 is freeware; you may freely download DeltaViewer 2.1 and use it. The program is, of course, intended to be useful and helpful. But before downloading it, you must understand:


The software and accompanying documents are provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind. The DeltaViewer Project Team will be in no event liable for any kind of damage or loss caused by the program. So, use the program at your own risk.


DeltaViewer 2.1.1 (20051005)

Sample Files

The bottom part of each page of Cases menu lists downloadable sample files.


Download, and decompress it using StuffIt Expander if not automatically done. Move the decompressed DeltaViewer to the Applications folder and you are all set.

Bugs and Comments

If you find bugs, please kindly report it to:

Masaaki Wada (email:

Bug reports would greatly help DeltaViewer Project Team to improve the program. Comments and requests about the program are also welcomed.